Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saw The Aftereffects Of A Fatal Accident

Just today, on Hwy 30 in WY, just up from I-80, there was a wreck. Nothing was left of the truck, looked like one of those mashed cars you see from the junk yard. The doubles were akimbo and the crews were doing their best to salvage the load.

The sad thing is that someone on the CB said there was a body bag taken away. So sad for a family, so sudden. Just *Bam*, someone's life is gone. I'm not making any sort of comment on excessive speed or whatever, just someone died today and it's just a waste.

Things like this shake me up for a few days. When driving a truck you never know when your accident is going to happen. With truck driving, it's not IF you have an accident, it's WHEN you have one.

Everyone, please drive safely. Think of your family and those that love you. Is it really worth it?? Think about it.

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