Sunday, April 25, 2010

How To Merge Onto The Interstate...Lesson Follows...

When a four wheeler is merging onto the highway, they are supposed to get up to highway speed and then 'merge' into the traffic. Now, that means they are supposed to assimilate their little selves into the moving traffic, not just plow through like they own the road.

Today, TWICE, two four wheelers almost caused big time wrecks by bombing onto the highway and not looking back.

I'm telling you, my four BIG horns atop my cab got really great work-outs by blaring at the offending party's.

Then the looks I got when the drivers' looked into their rear-views, like, "What?? Where?? Who??". Totally clueless boobs.

However, now they are well aware of what not to do, especially in front of a 40 ton big rig. I wonder if the lesson(s) will take...I sort of doubt it...*sigh*....

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