Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm Taking A Few Days Off

Just flat bushed!!

It's fine, it's January and freight has slowed so I'm going whilst the goin' is good!!  Gonna do some shopping and eat lots of real food AND get plenty of sleep.  I don't have to get up in the AM to get a load some'eres or unload or load or truck into the shop (which is happening WAY too often lately!).  All truck drivers should take time off and let the mind/body recharge!! 

I have some more photos to post and I'll work on them a bit.  Getting sucked in big time with this stuff. 

Anyway, everyone drive safe and I'll be back soonest.  :-)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Cabin Cruiser Just Went By

Out in the bay. What a beauty she was! Wished I was on her heading for parts unknown. Really spoke to my soul for some reason.
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Second Barrel Down

This time, the contents spilled out. *sigh* they gots a mess to clean up!
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Thanks, Mike

Look below and you'll see a comment from Big Mike about cameras.

I used Adobe Photoshop on the picture and think it came out much better.

Really getting sucked into the photography box!!
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OMG, One Barrel Down

The hyster driver pushed a barrel off my trailer. Wonder how many more??
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The Biggest Unload CLUSTERF*** I've Ever Been Privilege To...

This is a rant so it may not make conventional sense but try to keep up.

We loaded yesterday and am now at the customers'. Trouble is, we got here at 9 or so and the hyster driver didn't show till 12 noon! Then we watched them push product off onto the ground and then they had to pick up.

Finally, just now, we got our turn. Some of our load are barrels sittting right on the deck, no pallet.

It promises to be good show, watching them get THOSE off.

Our reload loads till 6pm (we think) so at least we may have some time to watch the cluster going on. Oh, yeah, one of the hyster drivers actually said we should have called yesterday for a heads up. Hello?? I DID call!!

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Let's Just Say That...

SOMEtimes a driver just has to do something really, Really, REALLY illegal...and gets away with it! Thank goodness that there weren't any 'eyes in the sky' today... whew!!

(For any info on this post, some drivers didn't endanger anyone, just sort of...never mind...)
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Monday, January 24, 2011

Ain't He The Kyootist??

This is a truckstop dog in SE Colorado. For anyone that wants to know, this is my kinda pooch!

I fed him some of my primo dog food and he scarfed it. He's not really thin at all, looks to be very well fleshed. But, he KNOWS there are suckers like me who will fork over the goodies.

Smart dog!
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Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Sky Is On Fire

Isn't this a fabulous picture?? Took it with my camera phone.
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Dreary Lubbock Foxtrot Texas

Just in case no one knows, I despise West Texas with all my heart!!

The reason, you ask? Let me enlighten you....

I lived there during my high school years and part of college. Met my first "husband" (term used loosely) there. The list goes on and on. I've personally never met dumber people than the denizens of Lubbock, and that does include some parts of WV. I could tell you STORIES about Lubbockites. Idjits, all of them.

Anyway, here is a pic I took of a friggin' dust storm and all the wind that blows all the time.

Soooo glad I finally got to move away and never have to go back except when there isn't anyway to get around it.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

I Think I'm Across From A Bank Robbery

We pulled into a small truckstop that has a name brand bank across the street. I got this baby parked and was looking around when several police and "official" looking cars swooped into the bank parking lot.

Now, it's about an hour or so later and there is yellow tape up all over the place. Several unmarks have left and several uniforms are standing around looking "official".

Hmmm, I gots to know what happens next!

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Getting Flummoxed Talking To Customer

Yep, I sounded like a pure and total idiot. All she asked me was "Do you want his voicemail?". Swear to God, my mind went blank and I stuttered all over the place. Finally, she said (and I quote) "It's a yes or no question."

Really, she did.

Sometimes, people who are uber efficient make me nervous and I get tongue tied.

I do believe this was one of them....
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Okay, Love's Scores A "1"

We stopped in to grab a shower and while I dry my hair and put my make-up on, hubby likes to step outside and smoke a ciggie. That means I'm in the shower room by myself.

So's, suddenly, I hear the lock being turned. Now, this has happened before because the shower attendent thinks the shower is empty and trying to get in to clean. Nothing nefarious going on "usually".

I yelped and the lock quit turning. After 30 seconds, it starts up again. This time I opened the door only to find myself face to face with a man who had a key in his hand. He was as surprised as I was. He stammered 'sorry' and showed me his key. Yep, same number as my shower. He hurriedly trundled on his way.

I told my hubby when he got back and then we told the fuel desk lady. She said there weren't two keys. Well, yeah, there sure is!!

I'm just damn glad I was dressed!! It could have turned out really badly for all concerned if I hadn't been!!

Oh, and yeah, the shower water was on the cool side, never really warmed up.

For all of this, I'm going with one star. This the Tucumcari, NM Love's. *sigh*
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The Laguna Pueblo in NM

I have heard that this little village is the oldest "town" in North America. It has been continuously inhabited since sometime in the 1500's.

Pretty cool, eh??
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Just A Thought But If You're Governed...

Maybe it's not a good idea to try to pass another governed truck with a whole line of people behind you.

I watched an obviously governed truck take a good 8 minutes or so just trying his heart out to pass. Finally, the England driver stepped on the brakes and let the guy pass.

After a while, it got sort of funny.
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Friday, January 14, 2011

The Corning, CA Petro...

I like this place, always have.  Everything is really clean but I think it's about time they ante'd up and bought new towels and washcloths.  They are getting a liiiittle thin.  But, they were nice and cool, even after the shower.  To me, nothing worse than taking a shower in a hot shower room and end up sweating while trying to get your clothes or, in my case, my makeup on.  (Yes, I go full-rigged makeup!!) 

So, I'm giving the Corning Petro 4 stars!  A thumbs up from moi!! 

Ladies, Be Pro-Active In Protecting Yourself

Just FYI, especially to the female solo driver...when you go in for a shower, check your shower room for any holes in the wall that look like there is a peeky hole for someone to watch you.

Strangely, I have found two truckstops with teensy holes under the sinks and when I looked back through them, I saw the next shower room...  Yes, I sure did. 

Once, I actually heard someone in the next shower room but didn't think anything about it till I was toweling dry my hair and happened to look under the sink.  When I was leaving, there was a guy standing at the end of the hall looking out of a window.  I'm telling you, I had to wonder.   Just had a creepy feeling.  I won't shower at either of these places again, although we have fueled there. 

So, ladies, always take a look around and if you see anything, change rooms, bitch about the hole or stuff it shut (I did on one) and/or don't go there again. 

As always, drive safe!!

First Stars Awarded To A Truckstop!! Read on!!

The Las Vegas Petro is one nice place!!  The showers are uber clean and the staff was super nice.  I didn't have a problem one with touching anything and I'm one of THOSE kind of females, checking to see if it's clean enough to touch! 

So, to me, I give them 5 stars!!  Woo-hoo!! 

I'm Going To Award Stars To The Truckstops

For things like showers, heat, friendliness of the staff, cleanliness, whatever I feel like.  I think a scale of 1-5 ought to do it.  So, check back to find out what "I" think of a certain truckstop.  It's going to be an overall score, not nit-picky, that's too much trouble!!

As always, these points and my opinions are just that, my opinions.  So, don't get in a twist over anything I write, just my venting or being happy with a place. 

Hmmm, I Tried To Post John's Response....

and it came out under the "Two big rigs crashed on the Grapevine" post, lower on this page.  So, please go back to that post and his post is in the comments section.  I thought I could copy/paste but did something wrong, anywho, it's down there, please take a lookie-loo!! 

Again, if I post something and it's wrong or incorrect, drop me a line and I'll do my best to make it right, okie-dokie?? 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I-10 In Louisiana Is Worse Than...

The roads in California. Good grief, we are being beat to death on this f'g road. Not to mention, the wear and tear on my rig. Can't wait to gedt to our truckstop. Argh!
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thanks To John, I Stand Corrected

Got a note from John and said the drivers (both of them) did survive the big rig crash I posted about several days ago. They and one of the rescuers were burned but at least they are alive!! Woo-hoo!!

So, when I get to the "real" internet, I'll post his note to me.

As always, if I'm wrong about something, please let me know and I'll straighten it out.
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Monday, January 10, 2011


A balmy - 3! Yeah!
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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Forgot To Add To Last Posting

How could I forget this??  *slaps forehead*

Remember, I said the mech at Frazier Park replaced the belts to the alternator and fan??  Well, he had to stand on the engine to do whatever it was had had to do.  That meant...his bum was right in frame of our windshield and he had a slight case of plumber's bum going on.

I got my phone camera ready and was going to take a picture but couldn't make myself press the shutter button.  I just couldn't...  *snork* 

Well, Back In The Shop Again

What IS it with my precious truck??

We got her out of the shop about last Tuesday and everything was going fine.  Then, when we got to Frazier Park, I got behind the wheel to park while my hubby spotted for me.  All of a sudden a LOT of smoke billowed out from underneath our rig!  So, I popped the brakes and hubby popped the hood.

Turns out, the idjit air conditioning unit thingy bearings were burning out.  The trouble was that the fan belt around it went to the NEW alternator and fan.  So, called the mechanic who said to cut the fan belts and run the APU to keep the battery charged till we got back to the shop.  We've done this before and worked fine. 

Okay, so started the APU and hubby had to have the Flying J shop mech come out to cut the belts, since we didn't have a knife or anything strong enough to cut them.  So, we delivered our load the next morning, picked up two more little loads and headed north....

(You can see this one coming, can't you??)  Then, we noticed a lot of oil coming out of the APU...  So, we stopped at Frazier Park again and waited till the next morning for the mech to get to work.  Of course, they only have one mech and opened at 9am sharp. 

The mech put a new belt on, only one belt because he didn't have a second belt but it worked at least.  Then he checked the APU and come to find out, the oil had been overfilled and was leaking a little, nothing big, thank goodness. 

THEN, we get up to Corning and hear a funny noise under the hood, this was last night.  I said I thought the belt might be loose and hubby said he was too tired to do anything about it right then but this morning he tightened whatever it is and we were fine all day.  The battery stayed charged and all was well with the world.

About time, is all I can say!! 

Two Big Rigs Crashed On The Grapevine

We were southbound at the bottom of the Grapevine, in California, and noticed the northbound side was backed up.  Then we saw the cranes and maybe it was the Fire Department. 

The traffic was backed up for at least 10 miles and I was going to be a bit of a smart-@ss about stoopid drivers wrecking and causing the rest of us to be delayed. 

Then, I found out that one of the drivers had died when his rig burst into flames and he was burned.  There isn't anything funny about that, even if he caused the accident, which I'm not sure who did what, just two big rigs crashed coming down the mountain.

I'm fairly certain that one of the drivers smoked his brakes, ran into the other truck and caused the wreck.  In that area, the Highway Patrol is a real stickler for the 35 mph and you better not go a mile over the limit.  So, something had to happen that caused this wreck.  I'm surprised the HP didn't detect them or him and make him go into the runaway lanes. 

Just horrible and so sad for the families.  I don't know about the other driver, just heard about the driver that died. 

Be safe out there and drive defensively. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Do You See The Price Of Diesel??

It's the green price. Egads!! We only got 75 gallons. I guess CA doesn't really care if it gets our biz or not. We have enough to get us to our customers and back out to saner prices.

And CA wonders what is wrong with their economy...sheesh...
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More Dust Bowl Pics

Here you have it. Used to be, this would be prepared for planting. But the libs in CA elected the clowns in government and this is what you get. Wise up!
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Congress Created Dust Bowl

Very scary. This is part of the San Juaquin valley. The breadbasket of America. This scenario is thanks to the fruitbats in Sacramento. More pics coming up.
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