Monday, March 29, 2010

Woo-Hoo!! Pilot Came Through!!!

A really nice lady, Lynsay, from Pilot sent me a message through Facebook that they are trying to make a mobile thingamajig so us OTR-ers can use their coupons to get the swag.

It seems that if you have the 'net on your phone (I do, I do!) then if you can get to coupon page, just take that gadget into the store and claim your goodies. There may be a glitch about security but they are working on it.

Also, text messages may be sent out that can be used, too.

I'm rather computer/gadget challenged so I'll have to play around with the phone and see where it gets me. I'll be sure to let you know how it works out. Then again, if it doesn't work, it might just be my stoopidity at work but I might get lucky, you never know.

Yep, turns out having a blog to gripe does pay off sometimes. :-)

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Thank you for your comment. Since I'm not always 'on' the 'puter, I have to wait till I'm in buckshot of the 'net somewhere. This may take some time so don't despair if you don't see your post immediately. I'll get around to it...or not. :-)