Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Vacay Was Great! Back At Work And Making The Money! Yeah!!

We are soooo rested...well, wait, I take that back.  We are somewhat rested.  No, that's a lie.  We need a vacay so we can rest up from our vacay!  Yeah, now I gots it so right. 

Good Lord, we snoozed, we watched TV, we visited, we shopped (the bank account is groaning), we ate like pigs (see last post for particulars), we traveled (as if we don't do enough as it is), we....(fill in the blank).

So, our truck was in the shop and we picked her up yesterday, swung by to pick up the empty skateboard and on to pick up a load of expensive, expensive you-wouldn't-believe-how-expensive plywood (yes, plywood) that some manufacturer just can't live without.  Did I mention the plywood was/is uber expensive??  It would floor you to know what one sheet costs!  Wow, people actually buy this stuff??  Well, someone die, we're hauling it and glad to do so.  What do I care how much someone wants to spend as long as I get to haul it some'eres.

I'm tellin' ya, I'm sort of glad to be back and driving.  Still the stoopid people out there behind the wheel but I'm glad to be back.  My baby girl KW missed us too.  Since we picked her up yesterday, it's so great to hear that jake brake rumble and to feel all that 550 Cat power lugging us up hill and dale.

So, life goes on and I'm back and will keep on keeping on!! 

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