Friday, May 20, 2011

Hubby And I Can Never Split Up....

It would upset our dogs!!

We took out beloved KW900L in to get a broken thingy in the A/C fixed and couldn't leave our doggie babies in the truck. The mechanic needed to get in and out of the cab and one of our lambchops is really territorial about the truck. She knows it's HER big rig and don't you forget it!

Well, we took them for a walk around KW's property and then the skies decided to drop some rain. We went into the drivers' lounge and watched TV with the dogs in our laps.

Hubby had to get up several times to check on whatever and each time he left, my dog would do this high pitched whine and her eyes never left the doorway hubby had walked out. His dog plastered her little body to my leg and her eyes were big as saucers!

As soon as hubby would walk back in, the whining stopped (which went over well with the other drivers there) and his dog practically lunged into his arms then moulded her little body to his chest and wasn't going to let go. Poor babies!!

So, there you have it. Hubby and I have to stay together through thick and thin, richer or poorer because of our precious lambchop doggies....
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