Saturday, December 25, 2010

Trying Something New

I know what you're thinking, "Oh, God, what now??". 

Well, rest assured, I think I got it right this time. 

I'm on the real 'net right now, not my phone.  So, on my longer posts, I like to use the real 'net.  I found a thingy thing on blogger that I can do up some posts, then set a timer thingy for publication at a later time.  So, this way, as I understand it, I can do some of my longer posts and space them out instead of herds or bunches of posts on one day/time. 

Usually, I can remember what I want to post about but sometimes, with life not stopping for me (dammit), I do forget some goodies.  This way, the timer thing, I can post and let them publish at a steady rate.

Now, if I can remember to do it....heh....

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Thank you for your comment. Since I'm not always 'on' the 'puter, I have to wait till I'm in buckshot of the 'net somewhere. This may take some time so don't despair if you don't see your post immediately. I'll get around to it...or not. :-)