Friday, January 13, 2012

Loyalty Has Gone By The Wayside

For any newbie drivers who may be reading this blog, the best thing I can tell you is to always look out for yourself first when employed as a truck driver. 

Used to be, you could depend on your employer not to do you wrong and you knew where you stood with your company.  All you had to do was drive the truck, get it there in one piece, deliver the load and start all over again. 

Things have sure changed in the past years I've been driving.  In the past six months or so, we started hearing stories within the company of general unhappiness.  True to form, we ignored it all, the company had been so good to us and as long as it didn't pertain to me in particular, we were good with it.  All company's have some grouchy people but this company had a really low turn-over rate.  I mean, really l-o-w turn-over rate. 

My company was taken over by someone who has less than a year of management experience and zero time behind the wheel.  Since this person, who married into the owner's family, of all things, has totally taken over, we have found we can't trust much of anything. 

There is a trucking saying that says, "Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear."  Truer words have never been spoken. 

Things that we have gone over and aboveboard for our company, we now have been told it didn't matter.  What??  We have always defended our company and took the best care of our rig we could.  We felt proud.  We felt we owed it to the company who has provided nicely for us. 

Now...the new manager says it doesn't matter.  Our glitches were brought front and center and used to nullify all the good we have done.  Being gobsmacked doesn't come close to describing what we felt.

We still have our job, as it were, but, now, we don't feel any sense of 'being' with the company.  It's each man/woman for themselves now. 

We got a stupid preaching-at about teamwork and how we all pull together.  We pulled together before but with the rookie manager, and what has happened today, we just aren't feeling the love. 

So, if any of you are looking for a loyal company where you feel you can settle in, I hope you find it but it may have gone the way of the Dodo bird.  Ours was the last company I would have ever thought would have dumped on us. 

Just so sad...

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