I got this message in my comments and thought I'd repost it here. I haven't/don't have time to thoroughly check it out but it does sound genuine. I have less than an hour of 'net time. Check out the website contained herein. As always, be careful when you enter something like this. I'm not endorsing, just passing along the information.
*Hi, Lost Adventure Lady. I came across your blog on Layover.com. Anyway, I wanted to see if you come across many truckers who are off the road for one reason or another - job loss, fuel rates, etc. I ask because the Back on the Road program is taking nominations to put a deserving trucker who has fallen on difficult times, back on the road with a new truck, job and a number of other prizes. Here’s more info about the program: http://www.arrowtruck.com/backontheroad/ This week is the last week to submit a story to be considered for the prize, which will be announced at the Mid-America Trucking Show in March. If you know anyone who may be interested in this program, please let them know. Best to you!*
Monday, November 28, 2011
These Ads Are Driving Me Nuts
I'll change the ads as soon as I can. I thought I'd put a few SMALL ads on this page, maybe make a few cents or two, but, crikey! The ads take up a lot of room and really distract, don't they??
I tried to change the layout but for some reason, it's not working right now. I'll change it up as soon as I can, get it back to comfortable and normal.
Sorry about the 'loudness'.
I tried to change the layout but for some reason, it's not working right now. I'll change it up as soon as I can, get it back to comfortable and normal.
Sorry about the 'loudness'.
Pay It Forward, Folks!!
We just got through eating in a TA restaurant in Coachella. There was another driver who was having trouble getting paid from his company. I'd mention the company name but, I don't want to get sued if the info is false (I doubt it) it is a big name company.
Anywho, he is on his way home to park the truck at their terminal and has another job lined up with another big name company, who I hear is pretty decent to their drivers.
Ok, back to my story...this driver didn't have enough money to eat, had only coffee sitting in front of him. A little too loudly, I asked if we could buy him dinner. He adamantly refused! I sort of pushed it a bit, a little quieter this time. I said I wasn't trying to embarass him but we'd do it. No way, Jose, was his response.
What can you do?? I couldn't force him to take the dinner. However, once I got out to our rig, it sort of hit me...oh, duh, I should have paid on the QT and slunk away in the night. I asked hubby to go back inside and pay, but, good guy that he is, he tried to do what I was thinking but the guy had already gone to his truck or whereever.
The moral of this story is to help out your fellow man, especially in these tough times!! Some, or most, drivers are proud and won't hear of you helping them outright. So, my lesson was to tone it down and JUST. DO. IT.
Anywho, he is on his way home to park the truck at their terminal and has another job lined up with another big name company, who I hear is pretty decent to their drivers.
Ok, back to my story...this driver didn't have enough money to eat, had only coffee sitting in front of him. A little too loudly, I asked if we could buy him dinner. He adamantly refused! I sort of pushed it a bit, a little quieter this time. I said I wasn't trying to embarass him but we'd do it. No way, Jose, was his response.
What can you do?? I couldn't force him to take the dinner. However, once I got out to our rig, it sort of hit me...oh, duh, I should have paid on the QT and slunk away in the night. I asked hubby to go back inside and pay, but, good guy that he is, he tried to do what I was thinking but the guy had already gone to his truck or whereever.
The moral of this story is to help out your fellow man, especially in these tough times!! Some, or most, drivers are proud and won't hear of you helping them outright. So, my lesson was to tone it down and JUST. DO. IT.
helping fellow man,
I Don't Mind Too Good, Sometimes
Yeah, I did it. I parked where I'm not supposed to be.
My bad. Heh....
*my reasoning is they should have more up close tot ehstore type parking, so I don't have to walk*
Stoopid, Feckin' Nimrods
I'm tellling the world. I cannot deal with idiots...of whom I've had the dubious pleasure this fine morning.
We unloaded at a place where the receiving department guy was so soft spoken, I could barely hear him. He was a nice guy in real life, though. But, after unloading, I drove around the building only to find myself boxed in.
I know it's hard to see but at the end of the driveway, above, there is a big gate going out to the street. Here's where it gets good....
A man was moving some lumber and BEFORE I turned down this narrow way, I stopped to ask if I could get through. Oh, sure, he says, waving me on.
Ummm, not when I get to the gate. It's tighter than a drum. No way to get out.
So, I backed out. The above picture is when I'm backing out. Yes, I did stop to take the pic, which only annoyed my hubby that much more.
I was gonna give that stoopid man a piece of my mind but, after I'd turned my rig around, *strangely*, he was nowhere to be seen...
backing out,
stoopd men
Speedco, Save $40!!
We get our pm's done here. They are fast and are easy to get our rig into.
Anywho, just yesterday, we had a pm done and the total bill was $277 and change. We had a few things tightened up and tires checked, the drill.
When we got our bill, there was a $40 coupon for the next time we get a pm. A nice bonus, I should think!
Speedco's are all over the place, so, that's not a problem. We like like it because they do live up to their name, plus, do everything right the first time!
Yet Another Bloggy App To Try
I had to delete the last app for blogging, now trying this one. Seriously, this is getting old and bad.
I might have to learn HOW to make my own app!!
Now, THAT is an idea, isn't it?? Then I wouldn't have to put up with the vagaries of apps.
Hmmmm, quiet please....I'm thinking!! *wheels turning in my head...*
my own app for blogging,
new app
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Pilot Truck Stop Has. A Deal
*I saw this on our fuel receipt, hope I have it right*
Anyway, if you buy 1100 gallons of fuel by Dec. 1, Pilot will put $10 on your fuel card. Not the Comdata one, the Pilot card.
I'm probably going to miss out because we took off part of November, but, hey, this seems like a good idea to me!!
Anyway, if you buy 1100 gallons of fuel by Dec. 1, Pilot will put $10 on your fuel card. Not the Comdata one, the Pilot card.
I'm probably going to miss out because we took off part of November, but, hey, this seems like a good idea to me!!
posted from Bloggeroid
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Viva, Las Vegas!!

Don't have time to gamble, but, here is Sin City in all her glory!!
Actually, I've been here for New Year's Eve...rough job but SOMEone has to do it!!
posted from Bloggeroid
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Had A Fabulous Thanksgiving!!
Hubby and I are the most blessed and grateful people around. Life is really good.
We didn't think we were going to be home but things worked out, we were. The big problem, there wasn't anything for Thanksgiving in the cupboard! After loading our rig last night, we swung by the local grocery store (they are used to big rigs showing up in the parking lot) and grabbed some items.
Sliced turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, green beans, sweet 'taters, biscuits and, the coup d'gras, my famous potato salad. Had coffee and Pepsi too.
Anyway, we are incredibly grateful for our lives. Blessed, very blessed, it's awesome.
Anyway, now going to kick back with a little rum and Sierra Mist and enjoy the rest of thevening!
We didn't think we were going to be home but things worked out, we were. The big problem, there wasn't anything for Thanksgiving in the cupboard! After loading our rig last night, we swung by the local grocery store (they are used to big rigs showing up in the parking lot) and grabbed some items.
Sliced turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, green beans, sweet 'taters, biscuits and, the coup d'gras, my famous potato salad. Had coffee and Pepsi too.
Anyway, we are incredibly grateful for our lives. Blessed, very blessed, it's awesome.
Anyway, now going to kick back with a little rum and Sierra Mist and enjoy the rest of thevening!
posted from Bloggeroid
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Wow. Such A Miserable Person!!
Honestly, this unloader-guy was flat out a snot. Even the other man, who was helping, said the first guy was a pain.
Y'know, the Bible says a kind word turns away wrath, and, while that's true, this guy was so hateful that I decided not to be nice and give him the benefit of the doubt, to make his day perhaps a bit nicer. (Run on sentence deluxe, there)
He deserves every second of hatefulness that is in his life. He will reap what he sows too. Life is so much better when you treat others with kindness and a little respect!
I thought about having a bit of fun with him, AFTER my delivery papers were signed, but, one, I need my job and two, I don't think it would have been THAT much fun due to his miserableness.
Thankfully, crabby people such as he, I only have to interact with them for a few minutes, while he has to be with himself for life. He got the short end of the stick on that one!!
Y'know, the Bible says a kind word turns away wrath, and, while that's true, this guy was so hateful that I decided not to be nice and give him the benefit of the doubt, to make his day perhaps a bit nicer. (Run on sentence deluxe, there)
He deserves every second of hatefulness that is in his life. He will reap what he sows too. Life is so much better when you treat others with kindness and a little respect!
I thought about having a bit of fun with him, AFTER my delivery papers were signed, but, one, I need my job and two, I don't think it would have been THAT much fun due to his miserableness.
Thankfully, crabby people such as he, I only have to interact with them for a few minutes, while he has to be with himself for life. He got the short end of the stick on that one!!
posted from Bloggeroid
On My Way To Deliver To A Real Jerk
Stay tuned, there might be some interesting posts later today....
posted from Bloggeroid
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Buster, The Mighty Chihuahua!

Yeah, I pulled up to the fuel island in Biggs, OR and found this killer in the next truck over. He was barking like mad! Telling me and my dogs all about it!
So, I asked his owner if I could take a pic, he said sue, pulled the scamp outta the truck....and Buster went quiet as a mouse....
Well, he was a cutie anyway! Heh!
posted from Bloggeroid
Gorgeous Rainbow!! White Swan, WA

The picture doesn't do it justice but it was so very vibrant!! I could see every color so well.
posted from Bloggeroid
Monday, November 21, 2011
Stuck In A Motel Room
We picked up this load going to a government plant. Now, we are co-drivers and do everything together.
This place, wow, will only let one driver in and no doggie-woggies.
Last night we got a motel room for *gasp* $84! It is the most utilitarian motel room I think I've ever seen! We have a whopping two towels that have seen better days, no washcloth and a puny hand towel. Heh.... There is a bar of soap, at least.
The TV remote is, I'm sure, a petri dish of unimaginable things! Wiped that puppy off as best I could. The bed sheets LOOK to be clean. The pillow cases are super wrinkled, like the maids never got around to folding them, just took them straight from the dryer....after they'd been left in too long and wrinkled.
Well, at least they let us have the dogs and it's the best we can do with what we have.
The load must get there!! We are troopers and will do the deed!
This place, wow, will only let one driver in and no doggie-woggies.
Last night we got a motel room for *gasp* $84! It is the most utilitarian motel room I think I've ever seen! We have a whopping two towels that have seen better days, no washcloth and a puny hand towel. Heh.... There is a bar of soap, at least.
The TV remote is, I'm sure, a petri dish of unimaginable things! Wiped that puppy off as best I could. The bed sheets LOOK to be clean. The pillow cases are super wrinkled, like the maids never got around to folding them, just took them straight from the dryer....after they'd been left in too long and wrinkled.
Well, at least they let us have the dogs and it's the best we can do with what we have.
The load must get there!! We are troopers and will do the deed!
petri dish,
pillow cases,
tv remote,
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Hunh...Driving An 18 Speed Is Way Different Than 13 Speed...
Who knew??
I sorta assumed that I could ignore the half gears in the low range and drive like I ustacould.
Not so. Those pesky low range half gears are there for a reason and it's best if you use 'em.
Kind of a pain because of all the shifting goin' on but makes for a nicer ride, which is soooo much better on my old-ish bones.
I have gotten lost a few times, totally forgotten which gear, high or low range, clutch or not, tach reading...whatev. so, a little more practice and I'll be back as a real trucker. Probably still complaining, but, there you have it.
I sorta assumed that I could ignore the half gears in the low range and drive like I ustacould.
Not so. Those pesky low range half gears are there for a reason and it's best if you use 'em.
Kind of a pain because of all the shifting goin' on but makes for a nicer ride, which is soooo much better on my old-ish bones.
I have gotten lost a few times, totally forgotten which gear, high or low range, clutch or not, tach reading...whatev. so, a little more practice and I'll be back as a real trucker. Probably still complaining, but, there you have it.
posted from Bloggeroid
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Lucky Joe Trucking!!

Really, I loff these personalized trucking names. My favorite one, so far, is Bada-Bing Trucking. I wonder where they are now?
posted from Bloggeroid
Got A Different Power Unit
Our KW is still in the shop. Bah! Anywho, another driver quit midway through his load and we agreed to deliver it for the company. His truck is a Peterbilt, 18 speed. I don't know what size/kind of motor, but it's a big 'un. No other way to have it!
While we loff our KW, this PB is about twice the size in the sleeper and it's wonderful!! So nice to have room for our stuff and spraddle out in comfort.
The downside, you ask?? Well, the other driver was an absolute pig and it's nasty inside the cab. I disinfected everything and feel the need to do so again!! How in hell do people live in ick??? He sure did!!
Now, the funny part is the sideboxes on the trailer are immaculate! Everything is perfectly fitted and just SO. Why couldn't he do that with the power unit??
This poor rig needs a wash from Blue Beacon. They are gonna have their work cut out for them! Earn every cent we'd pay them!
At any rate, we have a bigger truck and are so much more happier. Yay!!
While we loff our KW, this PB is about twice the size in the sleeper and it's wonderful!! So nice to have room for our stuff and spraddle out in comfort.
The downside, you ask?? Well, the other driver was an absolute pig and it's nasty inside the cab. I disinfected everything and feel the need to do so again!! How in hell do people live in ick??? He sure did!!
Now, the funny part is the sideboxes on the trailer are immaculate! Everything is perfectly fitted and just SO. Why couldn't he do that with the power unit??
This poor rig needs a wash from Blue Beacon. They are gonna have their work cut out for them! Earn every cent we'd pay them!
At any rate, we have a bigger truck and are so much more happier. Yay!!
posted from Bloggeroid
blue beacon,
power unit,
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
It Is Not A Choice, It Is A Child
It's been a while since I posted this, so, I thought it was time again. No pre-born baby should pay with its' sweet little life for a stoopid decision of the "mother".
Yeah, I'm anti-abortion. It shows, doesn't it??
Yeah, I'm anti-abortion. It shows, doesn't it??
posted from Bloggeroid
See These Guys?? Actually, One's A Girl...

Anywho, since this puppy is going to work (yahoo!), here's da story 'bout the pic.
I saw these people in Chemult, OR a few days before I took this pic in Fernley, NV. Sitting right outside the Pilot truckstop. When I saw them in Chemult, there were in the rest area just south of town. First, one day they were on the northbound side and the next day, they were on the southbound side.
They have a dog and who can resist kicking them a few bucks for gas and dog food??
Me, that's who.
I don't have a problem helping someone who is truly broken down but not when they are playing a game with soft hearted Good Samaritans. Usually, I will buy a back of dog food or offer to buy them a sandwich, but, no way in hell am I giving them my hard earned money. You don't know where the money really goes.
So, I've become a hard hearted *itch and will give tangible items. Then it's up to them to find their way home or to other help. To play the game the above folks are doing, that's just not right. Well, they probably make more money than I!!
Just thought it was strange to see them "down the road". Heh...
posted from Bloggeroid
Did This Work?
Sorry, I changed blogger posting apps and so don't know if things worked or not. This is a trial and error sorta thing. Thanks for your patience!

posted from Bloggeroid
Friday, November 11, 2011
Truck Still In The Shop
My baby girl truck had more wrong with her than previously thought!! So, the mechanics thought it'd be better to fix everything all at once. I totally agree!! We don't want to get out in the middle of nowhere then break down! So, fix the sucker is all we can say.
Anywho, I'll keep updating and posting things as I come across them. Please stay tuned!!
Anywho, I'll keep updating and posting things as I come across them. Please stay tuned!!
baby girl truck is sick,
fix it,
middle of nowhere.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Trucker Interrupts An Attempted Murder!!
(@Wybry) has shared a Tweet with you:
"diesel_lady: RT @TruckingLaw: Trucker interrupts attempted murder, saves woman's life: http://t.co/qBSLHskW"
"diesel_lady: RT @TruckingLaw: Trucker interrupts attempted murder, saves woman's life: http://t.co/qBSLHskW"
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Had To Find New Way To Blog On My Phone
I've been using the other app blog thingy for quite a while. Then, I got a message to update. No problem there...until I read the new permissions.
Wow, is about all I can say!
It wanted to know everything I do, and I do mean everything! So, the answer was NO. I tried to post from my browser but blogger has a new somethingorother that I can't. I need to go back to the original way to post.
All updating stuff isn't necessarily a good thing! So, I found this bloggy thingy app and will give it a try.
Kinda, sorta scared me that maybe I was stuck and couldn't blog. That would bad. Very bad.
Wow, is about all I can say!
It wanted to know everything I do, and I do mean everything! So, the answer was NO. I tried to post from my browser but blogger has a new somethingorother that I can't. I need to go back to the original way to post.
All updating stuff isn't necessarily a good thing! So, I found this bloggy thingy app and will give it a try.
Kinda, sorta scared me that maybe I was stuck and couldn't blog. That would bad. Very bad.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Truck Needed An Engine Overhaul...So....
I'll do the best I can in reporting truck stories as I find them. We are at home, taking it easy. Kind of nice, too. No money coming in, but, that's what saving for a rainy day is all about, eh??
The lesson of this story is...always be prepared. Truck can break down any moment and if you haven't prepared in advance, you could be up a creek. (Do I really have to tell ANYone this??)
From each paycheck, put back at least 10% into some sort of savings account or even under the mattress. It adds up quickly! Then when the ineveitable (sp?) happens, you can go on with your life and not risk losing any or even a little part of it.
Honestly, that 10%, you won't notice it's not being used in everyday trucking. Just do it. I'm sure glad we did.
I've enjoyed the time at home but I'm starting to want to hunt the road again. I like being at home and doing all the homemaker stuff but I'm a truckdriver at heart. I really can't wait till our girl is fixed and we are tearing it up again. Sorry to be mushy but we do have an affinity for our truck. That's why we take such good care of her but poot happens and she must be fixed.
Nah, on second thought, I'm not sorry to be mushy over an inanimate thing, I loff my truck!!
See you guys down the road!!
The lesson of this story is...always be prepared. Truck can break down any moment and if you haven't prepared in advance, you could be up a creek. (Do I really have to tell ANYone this??)
From each paycheck, put back at least 10% into some sort of savings account or even under the mattress. It adds up quickly! Then when the ineveitable (sp?) happens, you can go on with your life and not risk losing any or even a little part of it.
Honestly, that 10%, you won't notice it's not being used in everyday trucking. Just do it. I'm sure glad we did.
I've enjoyed the time at home but I'm starting to want to hunt the road again. I like being at home and doing all the homemaker stuff but I'm a truckdriver at heart. I really can't wait till our girl is fixed and we are tearing it up again. Sorry to be mushy but we do have an affinity for our truck. That's why we take such good care of her but poot happens and she must be fixed.
Nah, on second thought, I'm not sorry to be mushy over an inanimate thing, I loff my truck!!
See you guys down the road!!
rainy days,
saving money,
truck in shop
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Drug Smuggling Trucker Commits Suicide When Stopped For Inspection
Win Griff (@Wybry) has shared a Tweet with you:
"diesel_lady: RT @TruckingLaw: Drug-smuggling trucker commits suicide when stopped for inspection: http://t.co/bTcunEnk"
"diesel_lady: RT @TruckingLaw: Drug-smuggling trucker commits suicide when stopped for inspection: http://t.co/bTcunEnk"
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
17 Degrees This Morning!!
It changed from 16 degrees a split second before I snapped the picture.
I'n so glad it's coolingg off from this last brutal summer!!
*Picture from Central Oregon*
I'n so glad it's coolingg off from this last brutal summer!!
*Picture from Central Oregon*
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
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