Friday, July 22, 2011

Whiny Truckers....Not Attractive In The Least

Good Lord! We're at a shippers and after checking in, we were called on up. So we pulled up behind the flatbed in front of us. The guy ahead of us was blocking the corner and the mama's boy of a trucker started in about the flatbed blocking the corner.

Instead of just saying to move it and specifying which fb, he starts in about how us truckers can't read the signs and so on. Hubby wouldn't let me say anything but when the whining went on, I couldn't take it any more.

So, I got on the CB and said we weren't the ones blocking and the (whiny) driver didn't say which rig was in the way. The shipping office lady said she couldn't see who was where (oh, duh....) and said she was sorry.

Then dipshit driver said he had specified which rig. Well, neither hubby nor I heard him say. He got caufht and the female driver had to challenge him!!

I'm telling you, I am so tired of these mama's boys!! Whiny and demanding! Who wants to claim a son like that?? Could you imagine being married to a whiny-ass? Egads!!
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