I'm on Twitter and it's not a secret that I'm pretty conservative. So's I noticed there is a lady whose posts are a constant stream of whiny, whiny, whiny. It seems she's quite liberal and wants the government to fix everything for her, including finding a jobster.
I did engage her for a bit but, as usual, I can't get through to SOME people.
Look, folks, if you can't find a job and it's been THREE years (in her case), doncha think it's about time to look at other avenues of income?? I don't care if you have however many degrees and years of experience in your field. The world is changing. Adapt and read the book "Who Moved My Cheese?". It helped me greatly.
I heard a guy on my XM who was pulling down $250K a year at his previous job and is now a trucker pulling down $40K. Life sucks. But he has a job and will parlay THAT into something else. I'm not quite in that boat but I took a bunch of lemons and made some wonderful Lemonade!! I had to adapt and change or....be whiny and blame everyone else and want gov't to fix everything for me. Egads! Just thinking that sets my teeth on edge!! My pride wouldn't LET me do that stuff!
Congress/Gov't doesn't create jobs. If anything, they get in the way (check out WI and that stupid teacher's union and attending crap) and don't do a thing, except blame Tea Partiers or outer space aliens for their woes. Nutballs...I'm digressing but had to get that out...back to subject...our gov't isn't supposed to create jobs. The fruitloops over the years have let gov't start creating jobs, building bridges and so forth, and so now, people like the above ladylib thinks that gov't should do all the legwork and GIVE her a job.
Get some pride and do it yourself!! No whining. Just think, anything you accomplish, you will accomplish on your own, no one else in a 'department' can dictate who/what/when/where and how. That feels great, I can tell you personally!!
Okay, so everyone on the same page here?? Thought so...you don't want me to come down there!! :-)